
Travel Tips

Expect to find Malay and a variety of native tongues spoken in the marketplace. However, English is widely understood and used in the commercial world.

World religion such as Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are practiced alongside animistic beliefs. Mosques, churches and temples can be found in many towns.

Working Hours
Banks are open Mondays to Fridays from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Offices usually operate from 9am-5pm, Mondays to Fridays, while shopping centres are open from 10am-10pm every day.
The local currency is Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and comes in RM100, RM50, RM10, RM5 and RM1 notes. RM1 is equivalent to 100 sen and coins come in denominations of 50 sen, 20 sen, 10 sen, 5, sen and 1 sen. Money changers are available in towns and airports.

Mobile telecommunications cover many parts of Bintulu except for the most remote area. Public phones are available sporadically in many places.

Government hospitals, clinics and dispensaries are located in towns. Private medical practitioners and pharmacies are listed in the local phone directory. However, those who need specific medication are advised to bring along adequate supplies.

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